Introduction to Object-Oriented Concepts

Introduction to Object-Oriented Concepts

Although many people find this bit of information surprising, object-oriented (OO)
software development has been around since the early 1960s. Objects are now used
throughout the software development industry. It is no secret that the software industry
can be slow-moving at times. It is also true that, when systems are working fine, there has
to be a compelling reason to replace them.This has somewhat slowed the propagation of
OO systems.There are many non-OO legacy systems (that is, older systems that are already
in place) that are doing the job—so why risk potential disaster by changing them? In
most cases you should not change them, at least not simply for the sake of change.There
is nothing inherently wrong with systems written in non–OO code.However, brand-new
development definitely warrants the consideration of using OO technologies.
Although there has been a steady and significant growth in OO development in the
past 15 years, the continued reliance on the Internet has helped catapult it even further
into the mainstream.The emergence of day-to-day business transactions on the Internet
has opened a brand-new arena, where much of the software development is new and
mostly unencumbered by legacy concerns. Even when there are legacy concerns, there is
a trend to wrap the legacy systems in object wrappers.
Object Wrappers
Object wrappers are object-oriented code that includes other code inside. For example, you
can take a structured module and wrap it inside an object to make it look like an object. You
can also use object wrappers to wrap functionality such as security features, non-portable
hardware features, and so on.
Today, one of the most interesting areas of software development is the marriage of legacy
and Internet based systems. In many cases, a web-based front-end ultimately connects to
data that resides on a Mainframe.Developers who can combine the skills of mainframe
and web development are in demand.Objects have certainly made their way into our personal and professional information
systems (IS) lives—and they cannot be ignored.You probably experience objects in your
daily like without even knowing it.These experiences can take place in your car, talking
on your cell phone, using your digital TV, and many other situations.
With the success of Java, Microsoft’s .NET technologies and many others, objects are
becoming a major part of the technology equation.With the explosion of the Internet,
and countless local networks, the electronic highway has in essence become an objectbased
highway (in the case of wireless, object-based signals).As businesses gravitate toward
the Web, they are gravitating toward objects because the technologies used for electronic
commerce are mostly OO in nature.
This chapter is an overview of the fundamental OO concepts.The concepts covered
here touch on most, if not all, of the topics covered in subsequent chapters, which explore
these issues in much greater detail.

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Posted by rasyidiqbal, Published at 3/19/2012 05:18:00 pm and have 0 comments

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